Thursday, February 20, 2014


I love that my husband takes the time to play with the kids.

I love that, right now, Jay is on the floor in the living room, playing Lincoln Logs.

I love that he does dishes, almost every night.

I love that we eat supper together as a family. Every night that we are in the same town.

I love that he has never once complained about having to get the kids ready for school the mornings I work.

I love that we have to tell three of our kids to put their books down.

I love that Lainie is reading 3rd and 4th grade level books.

I love that we have more than 1,100 books in our house. Truly. I counted.

I love that my kids know how to play together without fighting.

I love that Jay and I still can't look at each other while the kids are throwing fits, because we will start laughing if we make eye contact.

But I love that we keep our mean parent faces on, so the kids know we are serious. Even if their fits are ridiculous.

I love that, because of the crazy stuff our family has thrown at us, we appreciate every day we get with them.

I love that we know God will provide, because again and again He has given us just enough to get by.

I love that we have friends that are family to us.

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