Thursday, June 18, 2020

Running goal: Goal to run

Blame Cindy, my running partner and personal motivator. An idea to run occasionally became a challenge to run in every state we stopped. That goal was modified to be "exercise a mile" in every state, because there was no way I had it in me to run a mile after biking 12 and hiking 5 miles in the mountains.

Why? Because we are in the midst of a health crisis in our country, and exercise boosts your immune system. Because we were going to be traveling for 10 days, and exercise helps prevent blood clots and helps eliminate those old-lady back aches. Because exercise creates endorphins, which will put the kids and parents in better moods for the days' challenges. Because it let us go off-trail and see some rarely seen areas. And so, here it is:

Nebraska mile, running the trail at Carhenge:

South Dakota mile, a hiked mile at Mount Rushmore. This one was tough because I put my mask back on any time we got near people. Have you ever tried breathing hard with a mask on? Not cool.

North Dakota mile, on the streets and fairground in Bowman, ND. Jay ordered lunch in the time it took me to make this run.

Montana mile #1, a hike at Pictograph Caves near Billings, MT

Montana mile #2, a 12-mile bike and 5-mile hike at Glacier

Washington mile is undocumented, because it was on a sad little treadmill in a hotel in Spokane. Because, it's really hard to run safely and socially distant in an urban area.

Oregon mile, in the freaking snow, past a ghost town called Flora, OR

Idaho mile, in the rain, in Kooskia, while the family ordered supper

Wyoming mile, on the dirt mountain road near our cabin near Wapiti, WY. On the bottom picture, look for the tiny purple speck.

Colorado mile, in Julesburg, CO, during another supper stop. 94 degrees at 5 p.m. for this one, followed by putting on the mask to go into the restaurant where we were eating. I looked like a suffocating oompa-loompa.

And, finally, Kansas mile, home sweet home, with said bad/good influencer Cindy, running past her wheat field, in the heat.

I'm proud of this accomplishment, but more proud of my husband, who pushed, cajoled, bet, and nagged me to finish my set goal. Because he knew I'd be disappointed if I didn't. And for the record, I’m nearly 43. I ran in high school, but didn’t run again until I was 30 years old. It is my therapy, my relaxation. I’m not fast, I’m not ... attractive ... while I run, I'm flat out awkward. But I do it for me, and to set a good example for my kids.

Although running in a ghost town in Oregon in the snow may make me certifiably insane.

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