Monday, August 17, 2009


Oh, so many firsts this week!

Katie's first day of school is today. She's a big 3rd grader, the oldest in the school. I hope this year is everything she hopes it will be.

Maggie's first day of kindergarten is tomorrow. Our fearless leader is scared. She's been asking "what if...?" questions for weeks now. "What if no one likes my haircut?" "What if no one sits by me on the bus?" "What if I don't want to take a nap?" I'm sure she'll do fine, and, to be honest, it's kind of nice to have her need me a little. She's so darn independent that she rarely asks for help for anything. But she asked for help for tomorrow. So, she'll ride the bus from our house to school. Then I'll be at the school waiting for her, to help. Because I'm the mom. :)

Lainie's first day is September 2, but she's in denial about that wait. Every day she wants to wear a backpack around the house. There is no doubt she's ready to go to preschool. She'll be going to preschool Mondays and Wednesdays, and then on Tuesdays and Thursdays to speech at K-State. She's making progress, trying to talk alot, although she's started stuttering a lot.

I asked my SIL today if Natalie is supposed to be sitting up yet, because I don't remember what she's supposed to be doing at 6 months. Come to find out, sitting is a 9-month skill, so I can push that concern away. She's rolling all over the place, sitting with support, finding her voice, saying a rare MOMMMM, and flashing those super grins.

Jay's first day is today, too. This year, he's teaching 6th, 7th, 8th grade math, 8th grade science, plus k-5 math "assistant"....I'm not sure what the official term is. I hope he enjoys this year. It's great to see the light in his eyes, when he talks about what he's going to do in his classroom.

So, lots of firsts. I am praying that they all go well, that everyone can stay healthy, that we have a nice, normal, typical year.

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